Buy Laptop or Desktop
Laptop vs Dekstop
This is a big question of everyone's mind.What I will buy..?? Laptop or Desktop..!! I will clearly dismiss your confusion.Let's Start...
let's compare between Laptop and Depends on what you do.If you want to play games Dekstop is perfect.Beacuse laptop is not powerful as much as desktop is.So there are many kind of Gaming Laptop which is very high level price.But If you are in the low budget Then Dekstop is best.If you buy high level laptops You will also get less performance sometimes.Because power efficient.If you are a video editor,graphics designer then dekstop is best.But if you do the small job like Facebook browsing,Youtube browsing,MS ward,Execel Laptop is good for small things.because laptop is portable.Because you can carry this things anywhere.But if you want to do something more powerful the laptop can not be done at all.There are many reasons for this.The desktop performance of the same hardware is much better than the same hardware laptop.There are many reasons for this.The reason that is the biggest one is that power efficiency.Because laptop is run by charge.Laptops CPUs & GPUs are underlocked.On the other hand the desktop is not doing it.That's why desktop is more powerful than laptops.If you want to work hard, then I would suggest that you buy the desktop.And if you want to do a simple job Then the laptop is good.
So you understand what is good Laptop or Desktop.